Long Term Monitors

We provide several long-term montiors to evaluate abnormal heart rythms over a longer period of time.

Event Montiors

This involves placing electrodes on the chest wall which are connected to a small box the size of your palm. Continuous monitoring of your heart rhythm is then performed, and transmitted to a remote monitoring center. If abnormal heart rhythms develop our cardiologists are notified immediately. In addition, if you develop symptoms while wearing the device we can look specifically at those times for abnormal heart rhythms. The device can be worn for several weeks if needed.

Zio Patch

The Zio Patch is a non-invasive way to monitor your heart rhythm for a longer period of time. A small patch is placed on the upper left chest. The patch is worn for up to 2 weeks, while you perform normal activities including bathing. Afterwards a self-addressed package is provided for you to place the patch in the mail. Our cardiologists are then given a report which we evaluate for the presence of abnormal heart rhythms.

Implantable long-term monitors

If required we can provide consultation for monitors that can be implanted with a small procedure. These monitors can provide very long-term monitoring of your heart rhythm, often times for several months to years. Most of the monitors are a very small device that is placed under the skin. Our cardiologists can evaluate if you need these monitors and provide checkups to ensure you have no abnormal heart rhythms.

Affiliated Institutions

  • Englewood Hospital and Medical Center
  • Hackensack University Medical Center
  • Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation